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Schleich is named after Friedrich Schleich, who founded the company in 1935, around 85 years ago. Originally, the company was based in Stuttgart and sold velvet-covered dolls made of wire and wood. The first animal figures came in 1957 and were further developed in the 1980s, eventually becoming the toys we know and love today. They are now a hugely popular brand, manufacturing figures and playsets for consumers all across the globe.

Schleich believe that promoting creativity and a rich imagination is one of the most valuable gifts you can give a child. The best part of it is: a child’s creativity as well as their imagination develop almost by themselves with the right playing concepts. Their figures are attractive and full of interesting textures, made with high-quality craftsmanship. These lovely toys help children play in an imaginative way, stimulating their minds and encouraging social and emotional skills. From farm animals, to fantastical creatures, the scenarios and adventures presented through the world of Schleich is endless. 

In 2018, Schleich enjoyed a worldwide gross revenue of nearly 185 million euros and thus achieved growth of around 17 percent. In Germany they are ranked number seven among the leading toy manufacturers, with a market share of close to 3.5 percent. However, they currently generate more than half of their revenue outside of Germany. Further important markets include North America, the United Kingdom and France. Their famous play figures and play sets are available in over 50 countries. Baby Brands Direct are pleased to be working with Schleich and are happy to offer their toys and playsets to our independent retailers.
Schleich toys provide the ingredients that enable children to act as story tellers. Driving their imagination, communication, interaction and motor skills. The brand has a consumer awareness of 96% in Germany and 42% in the UK (2022) with strong growth predictions in the later. 

The company has launched a strong, multiple facet approach to sustainability, with their mission including reduction of virgin plastics and a move to water based painting. The company is also focused on reducing their freight CO2 footprint and maintaining ethical management practices. They are further part of the Ethical toy program for social and environmental management.
